Friday, August 8, 2014

Tinertia Video Game Review

Final Verdict - Give It A Shot 

Tadah! We are back with another video game review of sorts here on In The Mind Of My Mind. This week we got access to a game that is still in development and thus far only in the Alpha stage of testing. A follower of the blog brought this game to my attention and told me to give it a shot so I did just that. We do it for the fans. So lets take a look at what Tinertia has to offer...

At its core Tinertia is a precision based platformer with a unique twist, there is no jump button. One might ask oneself how do you play a platform game without jumping but its actually a pretty cool concept. In what I can only surmise as homage the the old school days of Quake and rocket jumping the team over at Candescent Games decided to take this approach. Coming the finesse and skill of rocket jumping with air dashing to create an addictive and frustratingly fun game that you can't help but play. The game is slated for release on the PS4 and PC and has already been greenlit on Steam. The game supports Xbox 360 controllers, Playstation Dualshock 3, Playstation Dualshock 4, as well as the usual keyboard and mouse, if you’re into that sort of thing. Personally I found it easier to play using a controller but whatever floats your boat. At launch the game will feature eight unique environments each with its own Robo-Boss to contend with comprising of approximately eighty challenging levels. Add to that varying gameplay modes such as Speed Run and #YoLo Challenge from which you can compete on the leader-board rankings for best time. There will also be a replay system in place to capture those epic speed runs and jumps that you will undoubtedly be pulling off. Oh and I should mention the unlockable skins to pimp out and customize your player with some personal flair.

This would usually be the section where I talk about what was good or bad based on your grading scheme for game reviews using the categories of Gameplay, Storyline, Replay Value, Soundtrack & Graphics but since its not a complete game and only in Alpha testing I will forgo that this time around.

What Should Have Been Added:
So in conjunction with what I said above there isn't much I can say since the game isn't done yet but ill say this from what I have seen. The game needs a proper tutorial mode before throwing you into the game itself so first time players can get acclimated to the controls and gameplay mechanics. Next up I feel given the fact that when you die you start from the very beginning that there should be a check point for players so that they don't get overly frustrated dying and starting from scratch. I could be an option in the menu for those that might prefer it over the hardcore gamers that want the challenge and leaderboard competition. Another issue I had was with the control scheme customizability, hoping they put a dedicated option in there to choose a controller type beforehand so that the tutorial instructions show up based on your controller choice instead of just always showing the controller layout even when the person uses a keyboard. Also it would be nice to customize your own controller layout instead of sticking with the default layout. Most importantly I hope they incorporate a well plotted story-line so you can connect with the main character and have more motivation to play the game than just getting the best time and least rockets used possible for the achievement medals.

Final Thoughts:
Honestly the game is ridiculously fun; and I can see it being a big success if it gets the needed exposure and support. It would be amazing if they could figure out a way to get this on mobile as well since these are exactly the type of  games that thrive on that medium. Your friendly neighborhood gamer Zalgo Cometh wishes the team over at Candescent Games all the best and are rooting for their continued success at launch. Go check out their website for Tinertia at as well as follow them on twitter at @CandescentGames. Be sure to subscribe to their Youtube Channel as  well to stay informed with updates and video progress as the game matures. Enjoy the usual video gameplay with commentary as I play through Tinertia...

1 comment

August 9, 2014 at 9:02 AM

Seems like a game I would give a try...always up for a fun challenge and his seems like one...send on he goodness!!

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