Monday, July 28, 2014

Party Over Here...

Well guys its another Monday and boy oh boy do we got some good news. We got to go to a LAN Party this weekend and boy oh boy was it good. Haven't been to one of those since my University days of legend, glad to see little by little more people turning out for events like thee as well as more and more companies taking the initiative to be a part of events of this nature. Its an emerging market and a very good look for the forward progression of our country as a whole. Not much to say or show on my end since I was participating in the event and had to be at my station all the time but Ill leave you with the link to few pictures I did manage to take. Special thanks to all the sponsors and companies represented IntcomeX Jamaica, Microsoft, Pixel 3D Studios, AOC, Game On Jamaica, and Logitech. Honorable mention goes to the Knutsford Court Hotel for having us and also ATL motors for providing the generator to power all these epic machines that were in attendance. Great people, great machines, great atmosphere, great times and lots of bodies hitting the floor. Hope to see an even better turn out next time they have one of these. With all that being said I do believe i'm gonna go read some more manga on my new AOC tablet.

--->Click Here For Pictures Of The Event<---

If that's not enough and you still want more Rebel Queens got some coverage of the days events as well so you can go check out their Facebook fanpage

Thanks For Stopping By