Monday, December 30, 2013

Rounding Out The Gaming Year

Sorry for the long wait but you should know by now that every year we do a top ten games list for the year. With all the ongoing and upcoming changes I figured I would also change up this yearly post. Going to list the top five games that you must play at least one from this year and then go on to list honorable mentions. Also note that these are in no particular order, feel free to disagree and comment if your favorite game didn't make the top of the batch. OK so lets get this cracking so I can get back to working on the blog redesign...

Without a doubt GTA V came in like a wrecking ball; to borrow a line from up and coming songstress Miley Cyrus. Late in the year when loads of people had already solidified their lists of top games Rockstar dropped the biggest bomb to level the industry. On release and leading up to it GTA V was the end all be all of mainstream gaming, publishers/developers pushed back game releases from sheer fear of competing with the great one. With good reason for within mere days GTA not only broke multiple sales records but also managed to secure stellar reviews all around; all people could do was sing its praises.

This game is the epitome of what it means to reboot and breathe new life into a franchise. From the character modelling choices to the plot development and story design; Square Enix did the Tomb Raider franchise justice. Why are you still reading this? Go buy the goddamn game ASAP, its worth your time, money, love and devotion. Granted the multi-player side of it was a bit seemingly tacked on, the single player made up for it all in spades; really wish Square Enix had listened to the fans and given us more single player based content.

Easily one of the strongest contenders of the year starting out as number one game for 2013 it gathered accolades near and far. Granted it released in the much earlier half the the year its longevity is tantamount to its impressiveness as no list of top games would be complete without it. Winner of over eighty awards it was definitely not a game to be taken lightly and proceeded to amass stellar reviews across the industry from journalists everywhere. 2K Games have done a great job of keeping the standard of quality expected for their superb franchise.

It would be a great injustice for me to make this list and leave off a lot of peoples obvious choice for game of the year. Granted I more was looking forward to Beyond Two Souls; I knew this game was going to be good, that was a given. I didn't however know that it was going to be great. This game definitely helped sell some PS3's this year on Black Friday. Loads of people are gonna be pissed that this is only available on PS3 but it is what it is. Between PS+ perks and this game I can't say there are any PS3 owners who have buyers remorse at this point.

At first I wasn't going to include any next gen titles in this top five list for 2013 but I felt this game deserved some proper credit where due. Granted i'm not the biggest fan of sports games or the fact that its typically the same game with a changed roster every year. This edition is not only a smooth-flowing piece of pro basketball simulation, it’s also one of the few games that makes a true next-generation leap in visual fidelity. Here is a game whose visuals are so beautifully realistic that you almost have to stop and try it, regardless of how much you like basketball. The game still has a steep learning curve but boy oh boy is it pretty...

  1. Saints Row IV
  2. Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
  3. Injustice: GAU
  4. Devil May Cry
  5. Rayman Legends
  6. Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag
  7. Battlefield 4
  8. Pokemon X & Y
  9. Soul Sacrifice
  10. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
  11. Killer Instinct
  12. Tearaway
  13. Dive Kick
  14. Guacamelee
  15. Skullgirls Encore
  16. Cal Of Duty Ghosts
  17. Ryse Son Of Rome
  18. Resogun
  19. Need For Speed Rivals
  20. Walking Dead Season 2
Thank you all for your continued support and I do hope I can continue to entertain you for another year come 2014. Well back to trying to figure out the yearly blog redesign so see you guys soon. Keep the dream alive and help spread my aweshumness, all it takes is some teamwork to get the word out...

Thanks For Stopping By