Monday, December 16, 2013

Hello Old Friend; I've Missed You

-sniff sniff- Oh my freaking god, its been ages guys. It's like tears of joy running over, so much and so little has happened all at the same time. Eminem released the Marshall Mathers LP 2 single-handedly saving Rap music, Miley Cyrus is still relevant, Beyonce dropped a new album in secret, Brian from family guy got killed off and brought back, Tessanne Chin won The Voice, Paul Walker the actor died, etc, etc, etc. Its been quite the last 2-3 months without my beloved PC i must say. We lay to rest the beloved and faithful Xenos 3.0 as we move on to bigger and better builds. As with all things in life where there is death there is also life; count yourself lucky to bear witness to the rise of Dark Xenos.

This is my PC; there might be many like it but this one is special because it is mine. This build has been 2 years in the making and I am happy that I could finally make it a reality. Fully complete and operational  comprising of 2 years of Black Friday shopping and saving. Feel free to checkout the un-boxing videos uploaded to our YouTube channel to see the full breakdown of everything from last year and this year.

In other news I am also entering a contest to try and win an Xbox One for my Christmas/B-Day present courtesy of Pizza Hut Jamaica. For those that don't know my actual birthday is on the 18th of December so this would really be a great way for me to round out 2013 with a bang. If I manage to win this it could mean good exposure for my blog not to mention also provide me with an additional console on which I can review games for the blog. So i'm begging and a pleading for your help to win this contest. All I need you to do is visit this link ( preferably on a PC and like the Pizza Hut Jamaica page and then vote for my picture. Once you like their page the page should refresh or you can refresh it yourself and my picture should show up and then you can click the vote button. Thanks a lot for your help and support in advance. Here's hoping I win.

In closing I am working hard to get the blog back up and running and jump back into my video game reviews and gameplays with commentary. Since I now have a working computer again I plan on closing out the year as always with the top ten games list we normally do. On top of that I also have the yearly blog redesign to get cracking on as well to ring in the New Year right. I also will start streaming more often on our channel so we can have more interactivity and feedback from the people that grace my various social media outlets. I am aiming to do a weekly stream on Saturday's but also I will stream randomly during the week if I have the time. Primarily this will be maybe when I do my game reviews so you will get to further share in the experience. I think that sums up everything of importance to do with our blog so stay tuned for all that to close out the year and start 2014 with a bang. Did a few test streams so far so feel free to go follow my twitch channel and check out the video archives if you like. As always this is your friendly neighborhood gamer Zalgo_Cometh signing off and as always; keep on gaming...


December 16, 2013 at 11:15 PM

1st Yaaaaaaaa U're back.
2nd can u add a like button? It would be so easy for when I'm lazy.
3rd U couldn't share? This pizza I mean not the pick of you eating it.

December 17, 2013 at 11:14 AM

1st. Indeed.
2nd. right above where you post your comment there is a section that has a variety of Social Media icons for twitter, google plus, facebook, etc. You can click any of those to like or share the post.
3rd. It had pork. Last I checked SDA's and pork don't go so well together. Plus it was my lunch for the week. lol

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