Saturday, May 18, 2013

Slime Never Seemed So Divine

Game Mechanics - 1.5/2
Story-line - 1.5/2
Graphics - 1.5/2
Soundtrack - 1.5/2
Replay Value - 1/2
 Total Score - 7/10

Hey there y'all time for another Friday video game review here from your friendly neighborhood gamer Zalgo_Cometh. Today we look at a little game I picked up on the PlayStation Network Store for free as most my PSVITA games are seeing as how Sony is awesome at giving away games. I been playing it on and off mostly because I got hooked on Assassin's Creed: Liberation and then after I had started playing Disgaea 3: Absence Of Detention. I figured though this is long overdue so I would schedule it for today's review; with that being said lets jump right in. Today we do our part in the invasion of the Mutant Blobs as we play Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack!!!

Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack is a side-scrolling platform video game, released on February 21, 2012, as a launch title of the PlayStation Vita. It was developed and published by Drinkbox Studios. It is the sequel to Tales from Space: About a Blob. The game is about a grumpy mutant Blob that escapes into the world and starts eating everything around him. Mutant Blobs Attack features new levels, new powers and controls, and a new Blob player character. In Mutant Blobs Attack the player controls a gelatinous mutant Blob. The player can grow by eating loose objects in the game environment. Over the course of each level, the player encounters a series of obstacles they must grow large enough to bypass. The game combines traditional 2D thumbstick-based platforming controls with touch-based powers and abilities. Physics-based puzzles are often mixed in with the action.

What’s Good:
All around a good game to pass the time when you want to play a rewarding gaming experience without all the length and hassle required of a full fledged triple A title release. Puzzles are appropriately challenging and the touch oriented aspects are well done; coupe that with physics based aspects to the puzzles and its easy to see why this game is a must own for a PSVITA owner. Graphics are sharp and vibrant as you traverse different levels and areas of you environment.

What’s Bad:
My only gripe with the game is that once you have played through and completed all the relevant time challenges there isn't really anything else to extend the value of replaying the game besides competing on the leader boards.

What Should Have Been Added:
The only thing missing from this game is a level designer so you can make your own levels and share with people online and make challenge between friends for points or such to customize your blob with additional features or powers.

Final Thoughts:
This is a fine addition to the PSVITA gaming arsenal, After only owning a PSVITA for a few months I really can't understand why people complain about the PSVITA's gaming library lacking in content. I have yet to spend a single dollar to buy a game and I have way too many games to play and not enough time as is to actually play them. Check it out in action below...

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