Saturday, May 11, 2013

Oh Sweet Glorious RPG Why Do I Love Thee So?

Game Mechanics - 2/2
Story-line - 2/2
Graphics - 1.5/2
Soundtrack - 1.5/2
Replay Value - 2/2

 Total Score - 9/10

Hey doods and doodettes; hows it hanging? We are gathered here today to witness yet again the union of awesome game and awesome console in gaming matrimony. Today we are looking at the epic story of Mao and his quest to seek out revenge on his father and make him pay for his grave crimes against him. Let it be known this game was released as a free bonus game to PlayStation Plus members and I must say it has been worth every second of play thus far. I was skeptic at first about reviewing it since typically most Role Playing Game's require a lot of time invested and level grinding to ensure your party is in tip top shape but I eventually caved in and here we are.

Disgaea 3 is a tactical RPG; most of the game involves battles on isometric maps upon which the player controls a group of characters. Maps often feature "geo blocks" with statistical effects on the battlefield, that, unlike in previous games, can be stacked or stood upon. Many objects in the environment, including these blocks, and characters themselves, can be lifted, thrown, or destroyed. Certain classes can create boxes or barrels to create stepping stones. Characters can form stacks, allowing them to reach higher areas or perform "tower attacks".  With the newly introduced "magichange" feature, monsters are able to transform into specific weapons in which a partner can use to execute a strong technical attack. To do this they must be assigned to the same club as the ally, and the change is temporary. After two turns the monster disappears from battle, unless in the magintology club which increases it to 3 turns. Characters now have certain weapons that they are proficient with. Weapon skills are now unlocked by purchasing them with mana collected from defeating enemies. One can incorporate a maximum of two special augmentation abilities, known as "evilities", to improve a character's performance in battle. One skill is standard for each class, the second skill can be customized.

What’s Good:
Game Mechanics: For an RPG this aspect is of utmost important, without a solid game mechanic framework you quickly lose interest and become frustrated. Disgaea 3: Absence Of Detention excels splendidly in this area and so much more. This game sports a robust battle system that provides unlimited variation and combinations for the player to formulate strategies. Couple that with an amazing item and inventory system that also can be leveled and strengthened to ridiculous proportions. This game has all its staple points covered for an RPG and I would go as far as to say you wont find currently a more robust and proper RPG experience on the PSVITA.

Story-line: The story line in this game is without a doubt filled with twists and turns guaranteed to keep your interest piqued. From the weird schooling system to the reasons behind why Mao wants to defeat his father to the deep rooted aspirations he holds to become the number one demon honor student. The character development and interaction is superb and accompanied by great voice acting whether you decide to play the game with English or Japanese audio.

Replay Value: With both a new game plus mode and an extended mission mode for the hard core gamer with super high level party members the creators of this game ensured that gamer's would not want to put this game down anytime soon. Add onto that the wide variety of weapon classes and character types and you quickly realize that this is no ordinary RPG game.

What’s Bad:
My only complaint is with the camera not auto centering once you have completed setting up your party members to attack as sometimes its annoying viewing the action take place behind a wall because you forgot to manually readjust the camera view. Its not really a big deal but i had to at least try to find some fault to gripe about since its not a perfect game. ^_^

What Should Have Been Added:
I recently became aware of a game mechanic found in the game Fire Emblem: The Awakening and for some reason I feel like it should exist in all RPG games in some form. Basically in Fire Emblem party members that grow and interact with each other form bonds and relationships as such that help to strengthen them and the overall party. This would have made a nice addition to this game.

Final Thoughts:
Sorry to disappoint you guys but I didn't have a chance to record me doing any game-play footage because i spent most of my time grinding levels to gain exp to level up all my party members. so I thought it would be a bit boring. I couldn't just leave y'all without any footage of the game in action however so I went and got some from another YouTube game reviewer.

Thanks For Stopping By