Friday, December 7, 2012

Tis The Season

Well surprise, surprise, its Friday but there is no video game review this week. *le gasp*. In all seriousness though this week was a major week for me as those of you who are subscribed to our YouTube channel, Twitter page or Facebook page would know. Our Black Friday shipment came in and it was a good week messing around and getting accustomed to all the new tech. Things have since returned to normal here and we will resume reviews next week; hoping to do maybe one more or two more reviews at most to close out the year before we start prepping for the top ten games of the year list. With all that being said feel free to go check out our playlist for unboxing all the gear that came and share in the joy with me. Tis the Christmas season and there is no cure for the most wonderful time of the year; all the merriment wonder and goodwill towards mankind. ^_^

With that out of the way we can get to the meat of the matter. I am happy, I am a gamer, when this gamer is happy and able to he likes to give away gaming related things. So seeing as how its the season of giving aka Christmas I thought it would be nice to have a giveaway. However since its Christmas we got to do it up big so ill be giving away multiple items this time around all at once. In the words of Damien Sandow; "You're Welcome".

So yeah that's the basic gist of things, wont keep you much longer. So spread the word and tell all your gamer friends or relatives. Hell you could even win it and gift it to them for Christmas, oh before I forget slight disclaimer as some people have been known to have issues with the codes in regards to location or credit card information we take no responsibility if you experience such an issue. Like I said it may or may not happen but I had to at least say it; in any case at the end of the day its a free gift so you still have nothing to lose either way so what are you waiting on. Come like our Facebook page and send me a message to join the festivities. Here's some music to get you in the holiday spirit...

Oh and special shoutouts to for supplying us with the PS+ subscription trial codes that we are giving away.

Thanks For Stopping By