Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Wait; Whats That You Say? Today's Monday...

Well its Monday and i'm a bit late but honestly I didn't realize I was due to post a blog today until It was way late. You see today was a holiday in Jamaica so we got an extended weekend; I have been sick so been primarily focusing on getting better cause I got work on Tuesday  So please do accept this as an apology and see fit to not hold it against me. In the meantime you can do one of three things:

  1. Go check out this blog post by a fellow blogger who deals primarily in random blog topics at http://theincompleteid10t.blogspot.com/2012/10/all-hallows-eve.html#.UHzaSMXA-8A
  2. Go check out our play-through commentary of TellTale Games most beautifully created game "The Walking Dead".
  3. If you not much one for gaming then feel free to check out this marathon episode of Goodbye Kitty; guaranteed to give you a good laugh.

Well that takes care of that so until next we meet; keep on gaming...

1 comment

October 16, 2012 at 8:39 AM

Hey thanks for the plug man XD

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