Monday, February 23, 2015

Get Your Game On...

So this kid above you see here qualified along with me in the Tetris tournament that took place at CyberBox LAN Centre. With that under our belt we progress towards the CyberBox All Star weekend where we will compete with the other contestants that qualified for part of a $100,000 prize pool. Not a bad way to spend a Sunday afternoon if I do say so myself. CyberBox LAN Centre hosts a lot of tournament and at varying times to cater to the needs of the many over the weekend. Friday Night Fights are slated as Fighting games night so people tend to come out in support and play Ultra Street Fighter 4 and Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution. If you think you have the skills to play or just looking for a fun way to spend your Friday night you should definitely come down and check it out.

Then on Saturdays currently CyberBox is running a cross country tour promotion alongside RJR and travel to various parts of Jamaica for a day filled with fun and games for the masses. Typically though Saturdays are when they have Call Of Duty and League of Legends. Check out this short wrap up of what has been happening so far.

Then moving into Sundays is when FIFA and Tetris take center stage. So feel free to come support the venue and play in some games. As 2015 progresses we have some events coming up in the world of gaming that should be marked down in your calendar:

With so many tournaments happening what are you waiting for?

Thanks For Stopping By