Saturday, February 14, 2015

Dying Light Video Game Review

Final Verdict - Worth Checking Out

Wow it feels like ages since I done a game review for you guys. Been through a lot of real life drama alongside running the blog and trying to stream more often so do forgive me. This without a doubt has been the main game of 2015 that I have bee waiting for release. I am very happy to say it did not disappoint but saddened as well that it suffers from a primary fault I had hoped it would have bypassed. Zombies is one idea that will never get old in games but it is good to see developers still trying to rejuvenate the concept and implement 'new' concepts to keep things interesting. Which is how we end up with this wonderful zombie apocalypse survival game completely in first person view with the added twist of parkour based elements. So lets visit the world of Harran and try to stay alive...

Dying Light is a 2015 survival horror video game developed by Polish video game developer Techland and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, Linux, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Dying Light is a zombie apocalypse-themed game set in an open world. Players traverse an expansive urban environment overrun by a vicious epidemic, scavenging the world for supplies and crafting weapons to defend against the growing infected population with a heavy focus on free-running mechanics. The game revolves around an undercover operative sent to infiltrate a quarantine zone in a city called Harran called Kyle Crane. The game is mostly melee-based with the majority of fighting using melee weapons. There are more than 100 weapons that can be used and more when players begin crafting new weapons. The game features a vertically scaling open-world metropolis with a dynamic day and night cycle that provides an interesting dynamic to the game for increased difficulty.

What’s Good:
Graphics: This game is no joke in the graphical requirements area. If you do not have a beefy rig don't think about playing this in its best graphic fidelity. The game really is demanding and it it expected with the immense and expansive world Techland has given the player to explore. The attention to detail shines through especially when you get up close and personal with zombies or the environment.

Game Mechanics: From the skill tree system to the overall vertical approach of the world most if not all game mechanics work will to immerse the player as well as give a viable and steady show of progression so the player feels growth and development as they play. Granted towards the latter parts of the game things might seem a bit easy but given the high difficulty curve of this game its well deserved by then.

Replayability: The game has co-op mode so that's a plus, added to that the variety of skills to choose from and progress with add some versatility and diverseness. Some more hardcore players have expressed dissatisfaction with the game difficulty. As such this has lead to modders/gamers coming up with fun little ways to enhance the overall survival experience

What’s Bad:
Story-line: A bit lackluster in its delivery and overall progress. A lot of back story missing and character relationship development missing. Its a bit sad that more fun is extracted from just free roaming and side quests seeing what the world has to offer.

What Should Have Been Added:
I only wish for one thing and that would be fast travel between safe houses. I get that it helps the overall feeling of the game and post zombie apocalypse but it gets real old real fast having to navigate the same areas all over again.

Final Thoughts:
I had a blast playing this game even with the difficult learning curve. I was very engrossed and entertained playing this game, I would only recommend this game to seasoned veteran gamers however due to the difficulty level. The story could have used some fleshing out to make the campaign beefier and potentially more substantial with the integration of the co-op mode. You can see my initial reactions to the game in my stream below...

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1 comment

February 14, 2015 at 9:03 AM

Will give it a shot as recomended by the great Zalgo

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