Tuesday, April 15, 2014

PAX East 2014 Roundup

PAX 2014 happened this past weekend and it was truly the critically acclaimed event that we all know and love. The Penny Arcade eXpo (PAX) is a series of gaming festivals held in Seattle, Boston, and Melbourne. PAX was created by Jerry Holkins and Mike Krahulik, the authors of the Penny Arcade webcomic, because they wanted to attend a show that gave equal attention to console gamers, computer gamers, and tabletop gamers. Created in 2004, PAX has been hailed as celebration of gamer culture. Defining characteristics of the festival include an opening keynote speech from an industry insider, game-culture inspired concerts, panels on game topics, exhibitor booths from independent and major game developers and publishers, a LAN party, tabletop game tournaments, and video game freeplay areas. This years PAX was filled with a wide variety of MOBA, Mobile, and MMO related games:

Click on a game title below to see what they're offering up at PAX this year. 

When I look at this list the main games that I am most excited for are:

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