Monday, August 12, 2013

Harsh Realities of Graduations

Hi everyone and welcome to our first truly random Monday blogpost in a while. Taking a break from the usual Monday Night Movie Club posts and get back into talking about random shit. So this weekend I went to the graduation ceremony at my Alma Mater; Northern Caribbean University. Figured I would go and show some support for some friends and see what it is like being a spectator since the last graduation I went was my own. Sufficed to say NCU does not spare any expense in making the graduation process an epic gala event. It spans the entire weekend from Friday right back until Sunday which is when the actual commencement takes place with two groups due to the large number of graduates. One procession takes place in the early morning hours around eight o'clock while the second one begins at around one o'clock in the afternoon. Check this intro video out...

Quite the full hectic schedule, definitely didn't realize all this took place when I was graduating. Mostly cause I didn't really give a shit so missed all the grad class meetings and planning and what not. At the end of the day though a lot of thought effort and planning goes into orchestrating this entire weekend so its only fair that one makes the effort to enjoy and participate in the festivities as best as one can. Granted some of these things, speech's and presentations alike can be boring, but at the end of the day this is why portable gaming is involved. Best believe I was playing the shit out of my PSP at my graduation ceremony and even more so now as a spectator attending the event. Then again not everyone is a hardcore gamer like me so some people actually like to pay attention on the rare chance that entertaining things like this happen...

All in all it was a fun filled day of commencement, lots of happy smiling faces and feelings of both elation and sadness. Finally achieving what they set out to do and gain a degree but also having to leave behind everything they have grown to know and love over the last 4 years of their life. It is truly a double edged sword as the students at the end of their journey achieve qualifications to set them above the rest but sadly most will spend the up coming weeks, months, maybe even years trying to find a job. As both an alumni and spectator I sigh knowing the plight that is out there that many of them will face but its all a part of growing up in these troubled times and it helps you grow as an individual and builds your character. Just sucks that they don't warn you about this stuff before you go out into the world but then again I guess that's why there is so many jobs available on campus to help you get some work experience under your belt. Some degrees actual give you opportunities for internship and practicum to see what working in your field of study is like first hand and get a bit of the ever valuable work experience under your belt. Not to be too much of a downer, but in the end graduations are definitely a happy time to be celebrated and enjoyed by one and all so just go for it. Worry about that stuff later I guess...*sike!!!*


August 13, 2013 at 2:24 AM

A grand occasion indeed. The sad reality of the job market is exceptionally discouraging. Can't give up though just gotta have a game plan and be ready and willing to revise and change. Gotta say it ain't gotta be easy, some ppl get lucky the others of us not so much so keep your options open and please have plans A,B,C ready. Good Luck and God's Richest Blessings Graduands.

August 15, 2013 at 3:59 PM

lol some people need the whole alphabet of backup plans. really sucks that after so much time and effort you graduate into unemployment.

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