Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Go Ninja! Go Ninja! Go!

Game Mechanics - 1.5/2
Story-line - 2/2
Graphics - 1.5/2
Soundtrack - 1.5/2
Replay Value - 2/2
 Total Score - 8.5/10

Well ladies and gentlemen its time to show some gaming love to the Sony PSVITA. Welcome to another video game review by your friendly neighborhood gamer Zalgo_Cometh. I must say; I never thought I would see the day this game was on a Sony console; I originally played this game on the XBOX 1 wait no let me clarify, on the first XBOX. It still to this day my all time favorite game of recent memory right next to the original Need for Speed: Most Wanted. They just don't make them like they used to; oh well enough nostalgia from me. Apologies for putting this out this late but a lot of IRL (In Real Life) stuff has been happening so trying to sort through it all. Lets jump into our review of Ninja Gaiden: Sigma Plus.

Ninja Gaiden Sigma, stylized as Ninja Gaiden Σ, is an action-adventure game developed by Team Ninja for the PlayStation 3. It is an enhanced port of Ninja Gaiden, originally released on Xbox in 2004, and is the second expansion to the game after Ninja Gaiden Black. In 2012, a port for the PlayStation Vita, titled Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus was released on the same day the console launched in Europe and North America. The game-play for Sigma is very similar to the original version, albeit with some modifications made to the game. Like the original version, the player's movements and combat system are directed using the console gamepad, which comprises the left thumbstick, two attack buttons, and a block button. The game features a large selection of weapons for Ryu to wield each with advantages and disadvantages that affect the way the player approaches combat. A new addition to Ryu's arsenal there is a pair of dual-wield swords, Dragon's Claw and Tiger's Fang.  Rachel, a non-playable character in the 2004 game, became playable in three new chapters, featuring the new bosses, Gamov and Alterator. Some of the design elements of the old levels was also changed and several new enemy types were introduced.

What’s Good:
Story-line: Well written story that has you questioning and interested from the game starts. Characters all have important roles to play that make them memorable and interesting. We see the progression of each main character from start to finish in a well executed manner; especially so for Ryu Hayabusa.

Replay Value: A wide range of collectibles, weapons to level, ninja trials and increasingly challenging difficulty levels to keep you coming back for more.

What’s Bad:
Aside from the slight annoyance of using the touch screen controls to shoot arrows in first person mode its a solid gaming experience all around.

What Should Have Been Added:
Definitely more weapons and items to customize and personalize Ryu; maybe even add Ayane or Murai as playable characters. Possibly have a + game mode where you retain all your equipment at their upgraded level as well all the golden scarabs you had collected.

Final Thoughts:
Awesome still manages to add a few new tricks and retain its awesomeness for a new generation of gamers. Even though one or two features here and there may be a hit or a miss with some; Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus delivers a well rounded and highly enjoyable gaming experience on the PSVITA. Without a doubt years later this is still a must play gaming title; be sure you check it out, and until next time, keep on gaming.

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