Saturday, June 15, 2013

Do You Remember The Time?

Game Mechanics - 1/2
Story-line - 2/2
Graphics - 1.5/2
Soundtrack - 1/2
Replay Value - 1.5/2
 Total Score - 7/10

What's good doods and doodettes? Welcome to another video game review here on In The Mind Of Mind. We ran into a bit of problems with recording this weeks game-play with commentary videos for our YouTube channel so sadly the commentary aspect is missing but its still up and waiting if you are interested in seeing the game in action. With that being said let jump right into the world of Neo-Paris in this weeks video game review of "Remember Me".

Remember Me is an action-adventure and beat 'em up video game developed by Dontnod Entertainment and published by Capcom. It was released in June 2013 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Remember Me features platforming, exploration and melee combat. The game introduces the mechanic of 'memory remixing': entering and rearranging a target's memories to manipulate them. Players accomplish this by replaying a memory and modifying details to change the target's recollection of the outcome. Another key mechanic of game-play is stealing memories from specific targets and using points called Remembranes to replay the memory in real-time: this is often needed to proceed through the game or avoid hazards otherwise hidden from the player. In terms of combat, the game will allow players to create and customize their own move combos in the Combo Lab, which uses four families of fighting moves called Pressens that players can reorganize by creating chains, earned through gaining PMP (Procedural Mastering Power), with a limit of four combos being active at any one time. The four Pressen families are "Regen" (healing), "Power" (damage), "Chain" (duplication and doubling of previous moves) and "Cooldown" (regeneration of S-Pressen energy). The game's creative director, Jean-Max Morris has said that there are 50,000 possible Pressen combinations.

What’s Good:
Storyline - Wonderfully engaging plot and keeps you interested and caring about the main character Nilin. A cast full of memorable characters help tell the story of Nilin.

What’s Bad:
Game Mechanics - The fighting engine is clunky and fight animations don't always mesh together seamlessly. Couple that with a customization combo system that has limits on the allotment of X & Y buttons to specific parts in the combo chain and you have a recipe for hand-holding that does nothing but upset the player.

Soundtrack - Never really cared much for any of the music played throughout the game. Didn't really affect much of the conveyance of the story of progression of the levels.

What Should Have Been Added:
I definitely feel that there should have been more instances of remixed memories as well as maybe having different possibilities of endings graded on a certain scale which gives a better ending to the memory and rewards the player accordingly. Also restricting the player to using a maximum number of remixed portions so that the player can't just randomly search for all the remixed areas and utilize them.

Final Thoughts:
Overall the game had great potential but sort of feel a bit flat on its face. Still an enjoyable gaming experience but with the expected hype and premise of this game it really should have done a lot better. Well that's all from me, so until next time; keep on gaming...

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