Monday, April 22, 2013

The Final Countdown

Welcome one and all to another random Monday blog here on "In the Mind of My Mind". From the blog title and the music which should be playing by now you may be asking what exactly am I counting down for. Well that's what we are about to get into; a couple weeks back I did an interview with a small organization referred to as the Fighter's Allegiance Of Jamaica or FAJ for short. For the in-depth run through for those of you that missed it you can go check it out before I go any further by visiting this link:

Well its almost here and i'm pumped, amped up and super excited. Jamaica's first major video game tournament of this nature, with prizes totaling over $100,000; what more could any gamers ask for? A chance at money, a chance at looking cool in-front of honeys and most importantly whooping some serious ass and showing your dominance over all who step up to the challenge. Ladies and gentlemen I present to you.....MASH DI BUTTON!!!!

With all that being said I can't afford for this event to miss me. It will truly be a once in a lifetime experience to be apart of a first time even like this in Jamaica. This is history in the making people and unless you are a SDA (Seventh Day Adventist) you really shouldn't miss this; no wait scratch that even if you are SDA you should still try to come and support such an epic event. Hell just in case you were hype enough as is we another video to get the hype juices flowing for all your gamers out there...

Obviously seeing as how i'm a mind reader I know a couple of you out there are wondering what else is there to appeal to the masses of people who aren't gamers. Well no worries we got you covered too as the event will beheld at "The Spot" sports bar and grill on the University of the West Indies campus in lovely Kingston Jamaica; so there will be much food and libations and entertainment for one and all to enjoy. This event is supported and endorsed wholeheartedly by VXG, The Spot Sports Bar and Grill -UWI, Enhanced Realizm, Str8 Games and Yardie 876 Gamers. What more incentive do you really need to come out and enjoy a Saturday afternoon? Hell obviously i'm going to be there so you got to come out and show some support even just for me....pweese pwetty pweese. On the reals though I need to hit up the lab real hard this week so I don't get my ass brutally kicked in the first round of this tournament so I doubt there will be a video game review this week but we will see what I can do for y'all. You know I love y'all; so wish me luck, come out and support and ope to see you on Saturday  For more information feel free to check out the Fighter's Allegiance Facebook event page for MASH DI BUTTON!!!

Also be sure to subscribe to the FAJ's youtube channel for highlights of the past present and future tournaments that will be held. You can just click this link to go to their YouTube channel:


April 23, 2013 at 12:39 AM

Jay and Silent Bob; my 1st intro to Afro Man - I love these guys. Oh btw good luck Rion.

April 29, 2013 at 1:11 AM

Thanks alot. turns out your good luck wishes helped a breddah out.

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