Saturday, February 2, 2013

Resurrection At It's Finest

Game Mechanics - 2/2
Story-line - 1.5/2
Graphics - 1.5/2
Soundtrack - 1.5/2
Replay Value - 1.5/2
 Total Score - 8/10

Stealing a catch phrase from The Great One; "Finally!". We got our hands on a copy of the new DmC: Devil May Cry game which is a reboot of the pre-existing Devil May Cry series. Welcome to another video game review here on In The Mind Of My Mind by your friendly neighborhood gamer Zalgo_Cometh. Today we get to share with great excitement the grandeur and wonder that is DmC. How does it fare against the see of hate and nitpicking from fan-boys of the original series you might ask? Well lets jump right into it...

DmC: Devil May Cry is a hack and slash beat 'em up video game developed by Ninja Theory and published by Capcom for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Microsoft Windows.  It focuses on the player character Dante, a young man with supernatural powers who finds himself under attack by a seemingly sentient town known as Limbo City populated by demons. The re-imagination of the Devil May Cry series was requested by Capcom resulting in the game being made from a Western perspective rather in contrast to previous games. Like previous games in the series, Dante can perform combos by attacking with his sword, Rebellion, and shooting with his twin pistols, Ebony and Ivory. New to the series are modifiers to Dante's move-set  known as Angel Mode and Devil Mode, activated by holding down one of the trigger buttons.

What’s Good:
As you can see from the score at the beginning of the review it has most the elements that usually make for a great gaming experience.
  • Game Mechanics; as one would expect of a hack and slash title there are attacks you can level up to make stronger as well as an upgradeable health bar. Where DmC really shines is the fluidity of combat and how much creativity and versatility can be showcased in the games combat system. Ninja Theory has provided at its core a combat system that has a manageable learning curve for beginners but the depth that can appeal to the most die hard veteran player. 
  • Story-line; from start to finish you will find yourself engrossed in the story of Dante and his journey to rediscover his past. Game cut-scenes are informative, mesh seamlessly with the actual game-play development and are well orchestrated in regards to the progression and overall direction of the game. 
  • Soundtrack; very appropriate soundtrack for this game. The heavy rock sets a similar tone to Dante's rebellious and brash nature; also noteworthy mention to the voice acting in this game as it helps setup and pull you into the story of the game as it progresses.

What’s Bad:
Inability to manually aim guns when firing was pretty much the only gripe I had while playing the game.

What Should Have Been Added:
The primary concern for most fans of the series was that the difficulty of the game was too easy even when placed on the highest difficulty so I feel maybe they should add an insanely hard difficulty setting to help appease franchise fans.

Final Thoughts:
Due to circumstances beyond the fans control the franchise got a reboot. In life it is a given that most times people will not respond well to change; even more so when they see nothing wrong to be changed in the first place. Sadly most of the hate this game receives is due to the unwillingness of people wanting to change; thankfully however the masses are the ones that buy the games and not so much the ones that influence sales of the games. Most if not all reviewers played the game unbiased and enjoyed it and as such the review scores the game has gotten have all been acceptable. The game is a well done reboot to help usher in a new age of 'Sparda' (only fans of the series will get that reference) which hopefully after seeing more and more positive reviews old fans can come to enjoy the game just as much as the new fans. AS always feel free to pull up a chair and watch me get into the game itself if you don't have ready access to it; you can live vicariously through me. So until next time; keep on gaming...

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