Monday, January 7, 2013

Phase 1 Is Complete

How y'all doing? Know its definitely been a while since we sat down and had a little talk. Blog has been on vacation for a bit as we normally do at the end of the year but no worries we will be kicking back off our usual schedule of posts in due time. Still keeping the norm of random topics on Mondays and Video Game reviews on Fridays so we got something for everyone. Want to say Happy New Year to all the fan/followers as well as the newcomers that might have stumbled unto my blog page by whatever means. You are appreciated just as I how i hope you appreciate this blog. With that being said another special thanks to those who voted for my blog to be nominated for the Jamaican Blog Awards. I am officially a finalist and even though its not over yet I already feel like a winner. It feels great being acknowledged for something I put over two years of my life into between the blog page, our Facebook fan page, our youtube channel, and our twitter feed.

Granted I usually complain that Jamaica isn't that tech savvy but this Blog awards is seemingly a step in the right direction. They have been doing this for about two years now but only since last year when a fellow school mate of mine ( won an award with them did I hear about their organization of sorts. Jamaica Blog Awards is all about giving support and encouragement to the persons on the internet from the diaspora of Jamaica who called themselves Bloggers, those who spend their time to express themselves on the various blogs in various ways, whether it be a video blog, blog spot, micro blog and so forth. So now that it is that I have a blog and am nominated as a finalist I need the help of YOU lovely person sitting in front of your computer to help me be rewarded for all my hard work and dedication. 

I Do It For Ya'll. All Day Everyday.....^_^
If you go to you will see my blog "In The Mind Of My Mind" nominated for the best Lifestyle blog category. We're the third one from the bottom of the list; voting officially opens up on January 8th so as I write this now on January 7th i'm just giving you a heads up. I will edit this post after tomorrow and add the link for voting granted all goes well. Once voting has commenced I beseech you; yes I said beseech, deal with it; to vote for me and help me win this very competitive category because it would literally make my year if we somehow pull this off. The Voting Period is from January 7-14, 2013 so vote as often and as frequent as you can for that limited time and get your friends and family to vote as well. Plus I can't think of a better way to celebrate being alive after surviving yet another doomsday world ending event. So i'm gonna be a little whore for the voting period of this and i'm asking...., wait no scratch that; BEGGING any and everyone I see to take a moment of your time and vote for me and if you can vote more than once then even

Well with all that being said I take my leave; there is much muchness to be done after all. So in closing just want to shout-out some of my fellow nominees that put in work and got nominated as well. Good luck and may the force be with you all...

As Promised Here Is The Link To Vote For Me So Please Do Go Right Ahead And Do So; I Implore You To Also Send The Link To Your Friends Or Send Them Here So They Can Vote As Well


January 7, 2013 at 11:29 PM

Raaaaae mi get shout out :D Hope you pull through pan da one ya yuh zeet. Just the fact i got nominated i feel nice so winiing it would be bliss

January 7, 2013 at 11:31 PM

i kno that feel

January 14, 2013 at 12:31 PM

Lovely write up. Please check out my Jamaican blog below as well:


January 14, 2013 at 4:31 PM

thanks for taking the time to comment. will be sure to check it out.

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