Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Land Of the Free (Part 4)

Gameplay - ?/10
Storyline - ?/10
Graphics - 5/10
Game Score : 5/30

Here we are guys, closing out the month of free games. Its been one hell of a ride and we got to end on a high note, so i'm going to switch things up a bit. This will be more of a recommendation than a review because as a game it doesn't get much more free than this. We are taking it back old school with this one and going back to the days of flash based browser games for one and all. I present to you Happy Wheels...

So yeah not much else to say about the game after watching that besides to tell you to try it out, its free after all. Couldn't exactly review this game since theres just so much muchness in it. It doesn't meet the criteria of a typical game to be judged on as far as having a set story-line or game mechanic. With that being said I want to thank you for sticking with us here on In The Mind Of My Mind and hope you enjoyed our month of free games to try out and our giveaways. So going back to that high note point I was alluding to earlier at the beginning of the post to end the month of free games I will be giving away a highly desired game title as a show of thanks for all your support and love of video games. Games deserve to be in the hands of you the people to be played so here is my gift to you. "You're Welcome"

1 comment

September 1, 2012 at 12:58 PM

this game will mad u but fun

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