Monday, May 14, 2012

Sharing Is Caring

Welcome to the weekly random Monday blog post. Not much on my mind to rant about this week as pretty much the only thing on my mind is work but I figured why not share in some of the entertainment that the internet has offered me; primarily YouTube I should say. Here are five YouTube channels that I frequent and try to keep up with the semi regular updates whenever I find myself wondering what to do on the Internet. Hopefully you subscribe to at least one of them that strikes your fancy if you aren't already subscribed to their awesomeness..

1. Epic Rap Battles Of History - Ever Wonder What It Would Be Like If Historical Figures Had Rap Battles?

2. Bite Me - Would You Be Prepared To Survived In A Random Zombie Outbreak? I Hope So...

3. The Awesome Series - The Name Speaks For Itself; Need I Say More? ok; More..

4. Goodbye Kitty - If There Is One Thing That Is Universally Loved Its A Kitty. However Kitties Don't Always Love Other Kitties...

5. Dick Figures - Ahh Yes Crude Humor At Its Finest Just The Way I Like It...

Well that should give you a bit of time wasting entertainment to enjoy. So Have at it and let me know in the comment section below which was your favorite or if any struck your fancy...

Thanks For Stopping By
