Friday, July 22, 2011

Sport's; I Just Don't Get It...

Gameplay - 6/10
Storyline - 7/10
Graphics - 7/10
Game Score : 20/30

Ok so anyone who knows me, knows that i'm not exactly the biggest of fans of Sports Games or sports in general, but it was brought to my attention that I haven't reviewed a sports game on my blog; so here is my feeble attempt at being unbiased. If you are a member of our Facebook page, you should have seen the trailer for this game posted in our group; well its finally out and I got to take it for a spin. Virtua Tennis 4 is the third sequel to Sega's tennis game franchise, Virtua Tennis. It was released on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC and Wii, but it also has an upcoming release of the PlayStation Vita. The game supports the PlayStation Move controller on the PlayStation 3, the Kinect on the Xbox 360, and the Wii MotionPlus on the Wii. All previously mentioned devices are optional. Virtua Tennis 4 allows the player to step into the shoes of some of the world's best tennis pros.

Without a doubt I can say; considering that tennis sports games are far and few apart, Virtua Tennis 4 does a pretty decent job of representing the niche of tennis sports game. The game on its most basic level of play is simple and easy to pick u,p if you just want to play with friends. It provides an adequate blend of arcade gaming with a slight hint of simulation of the actual world of tennis. I only had three major issues with this game, one of which is primarily because the version I played was on PC. 
Firstly the options setting for the game is poorly done, as the developers seemingly chose to implement the core of the options; namely graphical settings and button configurations, in a pre-launch window before the game starts. Secondly the practice mode in the game for a game of this type (Sports Genre) is very limited, and not clearly well defined enough to give a newcomer a decent introduction to the world of Virtua Tennis. Finally the game exhibits the same problem that I have with most, if not all sports games; unless you have foreknowledge or a love for the sport you typically fight a steep uphill battle trying to play against the games A.I. (Artificial Intelligence).

Putting aside the aforementioned short-comings, fans of the series and tennis as a sport, will be more than happy with this game as it delivers well in portraying the world of tennis. Fun game all around for tennis fans, and fun to play with friends especially on consoles with the relevant motion technology available for each system. Not so sure about recommending this game to newcomers to tennis, or casually curious gamers however as there isn't much of a steady learning curve in this game...


July 23, 2011 at 12:25 AM

i've actually had this game for awhile now (still undefeated :p) yh it's a nice game to play when u need a break from the fifa

July 23, 2011 at 12:30 AM

i still think your bias towards sports games man, but good attempt.

July 23, 2011 at 1:55 PM

i tried thats all i can say. ok game overall if you have the interest in the sport.

July 25, 2011 at 11:12 PM

poll on Do You Like To Play Sports? ended with 2 for hell yea and 1 for not really.

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