Friday, September 26, 2014

Dead Rising 3 Video Game Review

Final Verdict - Definitely Worth Playing

Tried and true the Zombie Apocalypse is forever a welcome plot no matter the media. From books, to movies to even video game; everyone loves a good zombie killing spree. Back again with another video game review for you, a review that almost didn't happen cause my computers power supply almost died on me this week. Thankfully due to my awesome techie prowess in PC repair I "macgyver'd"  it back to working condition. So I guess ill be picking up a spare power supply this Black Friday. Lets jump into this review of Dead Rising 3....

Dead Rising 3 (デッドライジング 3 Deddo Raijingu 3?) is a 2013 open world action survival horror video game developed by Capcom Vancouver and published by Microsoft Studios.[1] It was released as a launch title for the Xbox One platform on November 22, 2013. The game was announced as an Xbox One exclusive during Microsoft's E3 2013 press conference on June 10, 2013 but has since been released as a Microsoft Windows port released on September 5, 2014. Dead Rising 3 is set in a vast, open world environment which is much larger than the worlds of Dead Rising and Dead Rising 2 combined. Dead Rising 3 expands upon the crafting system introduced in Dead Rising 2. Players retain the ability to create "combo weapons", but without the need for a workbench, allowing them to craft weapons and even vehicles on the fly. Dead Rising 3 offers two player cooperative gameplay. Co-op play is entered seamlessly in all game modes with the exception of an explicit single player mode. In all other modes (Casual, Completionist, Speed Run, Hardcore) players may be paired with a second player seamlessly at any time should a match be found. The primary player continues as Nick Ramos while the secondary player assumes the role of Dick, a trucker who survives the outbreak.

What’s Good:
Graphics: As is the norm the PC version far exceeds what it console counterpart brings to the table. The character models and level designs spring to life with the detail and vibrancy that one would expect to see on PC.  A proprietary engine called the Forge engine was used so the team at Capcom Vancouver could realize their expanded vision for the series.

Story-line: Being the third iteration in the series Capcom decided to go in a different direction somewhat and introduces a new protagonist called Nick Ramos. The story follows a young mechanic named Nick Ramos and his attempt to survive a massive zombie outbreak in the fictional city of Los Perdidos, California. During which time he meets and interacts with a wide variety of survivors and zombies. This enables anyone to pick up the game without feeling alienated for not knowing the back story of the other two games.

Game Mechanics: Crafting plays an integral role in the progression and difficulty of the overall game. Blueprints scattered across the open world help you build improved weaponry and vehicles to make your fight against the Zombie Apocalypse much less of a struggle. Because of this side missions and map exploration are encouraged without being actively forced on the player. This leads to more Zombie kills as well that will help level up the player to improve his various skills using points gained from leveling up.

Replay: With the newly released DLC titled Super Ultra Dead Rising 3′ Arcade Remix Hyper Edition EX Plus Alpha and the various game modes and endings to unlock there is no need to question replay value.

Soundtrack: The overall pacing and tone is well suited to the Zombie Apocalypse not to mention all the quirky sound effects and voice overs.

What Should Have Been Added:
Just for shits and giggles maybe a create a character mode would have been a good fit for this game given the wide variety of items available in game to alter Nicks overall appearance.

Final Thoughts:
Overall its a great game and I had always wanted to try out this series but could never find myself playing it on console. Glad to see that Microsoft and Capcom wised up and decided to release this on PC as well. My only complaint about this game is primarily the map and navigation system. It can be a bit cumbersome to traverse at times. It would have been nice to maybe have a proper way-point navigation system. There is also a pesky 30 FPS cap found in the PC version remnants of being ported over from Xbox One I guess but thankfully it cane be fixed relatively easy. I wouldn't recommend doing this however unless you have a pretty beefy computer that can pull its own weight specs wise. (Create a text file and rename it to “user.ini”, then paste in: “gmpcr_unlock_frame_rate = True” with no quotes. Place it in the same folder as deadrising3.exe before running the game.) With that being said I leave you this game-play footage with commentary for your entertainment...

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