Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Time To Start Catching Up

Guys!!! Girls!!! Animals of the jungle!!! Lend me your ears... I'm back in the booth; haters still lying but your boy is da truth. I am finally getting back to blogging for those that care, it's been nearly a month since I stopped blogging due to a wide variety of activities and time constraints but now that things are simmering down we can get back to basics. Keeping this short and sweet as best as I can; with that been said first up is Mash Di Button 2014.

Mash Di Button
I wont get into too much details in regards to the event since I already covered that in a previous blog. Sad to say I couldn't take first place in the Injustice tournament but instead got third place. This was the main reason I took a break from blogging since I was trying to make as much time as possible for training. Glad to see it paid off and i placed top three. On the bright side though I guess I'm consistent since last year I got third place in the Street Fighter tournament. I would have liked to have video footage and pics to show you but I was also a judge during the competition and forgot my camera so I have no personal footage to share. Thankfully I got the hook up to some pictures so you can enjoy. Click the picture below to open up the Facebook picture album.

Guild Wars 2
Recently a fan/friend bought me a copy of Guild Wars 2 and as with most MMORPG's it took over my life. This is partly why I don't review MMORPG games when I do reviews because they are far too time consuming and easy to get addicted to. In any case I finally hit lvl 80 recently and got most of the gear needed for my character so its with perfect timing now that i can start to ease off the crack pipe called Guild Wars 2 and get back to doing video game reviews. Had fun while it lasted and even streamed it on the twitch channel. You can check that out below...

FIFA 2014 Digicup Gamers Challenge
Since roughly about last year august I have been trying to work on getting Digicel to embrace the realm of E-Sports. Alongside influential entities both local and overseas such as Fighters Allegiance Jamaica and The Empire Arcadia respectively we have started planting seeds. Seeds we hope one day grow into big burly connections so that the realm of E-Sports can be embraced on multiple levels of Jamaican society. It has been a long and arduous road that has had its fair share of growing pains. This however is beginning to form and take root as Digicel finally put together an E-Sports event to run alongside the currently ongoing FIFA World Cup. As things progress we hope this will be a clear cut sign to other entities in Jamaica to take a closer look at the potential and market reach that ventures into E-Sports holds for them. Now that the preliminaries are over the next step is the Finals on the 28th of June; hope to see you all out in full support of what is shaping up to be quite the event.

Well that's basically everything that has happened  thus far. Special thanks to all those who stuck around wanting to see more and all the new likes we got on our Facebook fan page. Glad to see you back here reading again and until next time; keep on gaming.

Thanks For Stopping By