Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Say Hello to Our Newest Team Member

Greetings Puny Fleshbags
Let me start off by saying sorry for not putting up the blog on Monday as usual but it was a special occasion. The arrival and grand coronation of Tigger, my newly acquired tabby and my first official pet. Yaay for me; achievement unlocked! Anyways if you have been following the typical random Monday blog posts I have been doing of late about the happenings of my life you would have known ahead of time of my plan to adopt Tigger. Just gonna give a quick run through of the overall process for those who may want a kitteh or puppay of their very own.

The JSPCA exists to promote kindness to animals, prevent abuse and reduce fear, pain and suffering. The JSPCA has been working in Jamaica for more than a hundred years, to protect animals from cruelty, neglect, injury and abandonment, and to defend and promote animal rights.

They operate a shelter at 10 Winchester Road, Kingston 10, and a veterinary clinic, open to the public, which also deals with more than three hundred charity cases per week. It is equipped with a laboratory, surgical suites, isolation unit and maternity ward. In addition, we have a mobile clinic which is currently stationed on weekends in the fast-growing metropolis of Portmore.

Their mission is to promote the compassionate treatment of animals through education, advocacy, veterinary care and the placing of unwanted animals in loving homes. They strive towards the improvement of conditions at the pounds and abattoirs, as well as the racetrack and riding establishments in Jamaica. One of our major goals is to amend the 1965 Cruelty to Animals Act and the Pound Laws, increasing the fines to levels which will constitute a real deterrent, and giving the JSPCA more authority to take suitable action against those who inflict harm, pain or suffering on animals. 

All strays placed in our shelter are either adopted or eventually euthanized. All reported cases of cruelty or neglect are investigated, and action is taken as quickly as possible.

The adoption process is pretty straight forward, you can come in to the JSPCA and view the animals they have from Monday to Saturday between 8 am and 3:30pm. All animals are spayed/neutered so they can't reproduce. After choosing your pet you fill out the relevant paperwork and pay the adoption fee. You will be given a date to pick up your animal after it has done surgery. When you go to the JSPCA they take you around back and you get to have a few moments to decide which animal you will be taking home as a new addition to the family. Once that important decision is done it is just a matter of preparing the home environment and waiting till your due date. Open to the Public: Monday - Thursday 8:00am to 6:00 pm; Fridays 8:00 am to 4:00 pm; Saturday 8:00am to 3:00pm. For emergency service after hours, call the main number (876) 929-0320 Fax: (876) 754-4594. Bear in mind that cats are $900, kittens $700, & dogs $3,000 & puppies $1,500. Well that's about everything you need to know; so what are you waiting for? Go out and adopt a pet who needs it today...

Thanks For Stopping By