Friday, February 14, 2014

Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons Video Game Review

Final Verdict - Definitely Worth Playing

Let me just start by saying this game is definitely something unexpected and different from what one would expect from an adventure game. Its branded as an adventure game but I see it partially as a puzzle game of sorts as well. I will admit I overlooked this title last year due to lack of a PC and all the hype that came with games released in the same time frame like Ducktales, Saints Row IV, Lost Planet 3, etc. So here I am clearing out my backlog and hearing good things pop up from media and the D.I.C.E. awards coverage about this game and I remember not having reviewed it. Well I aim to rectify that right about now as we look at Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons.

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons is a downloadable story-driven adventure video game developed by Starbreeze Studios and published by 505 Games released on 7 August 2013 for the Xbox Live Arcade and on 3 September 2013. for Steam and PlayStation Network. The game has been since released as of January 21st for free to PSN+ users so everyone can get to experience this wonderful game. The game-play revolves around the interaction between the two brothers with each other and the world. They must overcome obstacles and solve puzzles by working together. The player controls each brother with one of the analog sticks, allowing each character to move freely and individually. There are also individual action buttons for each brother using the left and right trigger accordingly. Controlling the two brothers of the story with one analog stick each can take some getting used to, but you’ll find your rhythm as you solve puzzles as you traverse lush and visually appealing world they live in.

What’s Good:
Soundtrack: I kind of get this old school Nordic vibe to the music, that or Xena warrior princess. All in all it gives off the feel of the rustic countryside that the games visuals portray.

Graphics: The visual aspect of the game is ridiculously immersive. Granted they skimmed a bit on the character design but they hit it out of the park with the environments. Every time you stumble unto a bench  you interact with it an dare treated to a simple spectacular view of your surroundings.

Story-line: Even though the game has no subtitles or English speaking voice acting the story is conveyed wonderfully through interaction and gesticulation. Another aspect of depth to the game is that they have varying responses and interactions based on which of the brothers initiates the action.

Game Mechanics: Simple yet effective is all I can say. Never in my years of playing video games can I recall something of this nature. It gives a refreshing look at video games and the possibilities that have yet to be explored for future titles.

What’s Bad:
Replay value: The game I feel lacks in replay value since the path and pace of the game and puzzles center around the brothers and their interactivity.

What Should Have Been Added:
I feel the game may have benefited from a few additional characters or multiple family members that you could choose from. That way puzzles would have variable solutions and potential for added synergy and depth as well as variation in game progression and story telling. 

Final Thoughts:
The game is short but immensely satisfying. It is truly one cinematic, story-driven experience that will not disappoint you and is worth both our time and money if you have to buy it. I applaud the developers  in their attempts at stepping outside the typical comfort zone of games in this day and age. Granted not everyone was a fan but I feel the unique controller design and implementation is definitely a feather in the hat and complements the game nicely.

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