Monday, September 16, 2013

Uhm Guys; I'm Sorry...

Guys I know it's Monday and I owe you a random Monday blog but I ain't gonna front, There is no random Monday blog; there is only GTA V. This game is mere hours from release and you best be damn sure its the only thing on my mind. So I do offer my sincerest of apologies but above all things I am firstly a gamer. I am literally taking the day off from work just for the release of this game so you should understand the seriousness of the situation; gaming takes priority. To my fellow gamers out there that are seeing this;if you own a console you need to get this game no questions asked. It is a must buy must own no-brainer, also to think this is only the single player aspect that is being released. On October 1st we get to do it all again when GTA V Online is released and more people will become hermits. Relationships will strain, grades will slip; worldwide productivity will reach an all time low from the awesomeness that is GTA V.

Just incase you are new and curious Grand Theft Auto V is an open world, action-adventure video game developed by Rockstar North and published by Rockstar Games.Grand Theft Auto V is played in third-person and combines driving and action gameplay in an open world environment, allowing the player to interact with the game world at their leisure. The game is set within the fictional state of San Andreas, which is based on Southern California, affording the player free roam over the world's countryside and the fictional city of Los Santos, which is based on Los Angeles. The single-player story is told through three player-controlled protagonists whom the player switches between—Michael, Trevor and Franklin—and the story follows their efforts to plan and execute six large heists to accrue wealth for themselves. Anyways i'm done rambling about this game cause there is just too much excitement in me. As I type this my leg is rocking and twitching uncontrollably from the sheer excitement waiting to be able to get my copy of GTA V. Check out some posts concerning GTA V.

Greatest Parents Ever?

Rockstar ‘Investigating’ Early Sale of Grand Theft Auto V

For Those That Can't Wait. 28 Minutes Of GTA V's Stolen Planes, Tanks And Selfies @Kotaku Got Your Back.

Rockstar has advised Xbox 360 owners not to install Grand Theft Auto V's play disc, as it'll negatively impact performance.

With Game Review Scores Like These It Might As Well Be The Second Coming Of Christ

Speeding Coast To Coast Through GTA V Takes About Six Minutes

If you are into cheating be warned thou that using any of these will disable any potential achievements...

OMFG!!! Check Out This Live Action GTAV Short Film

Figured those of you getting GTA V on PSN might appreciate careful downloading

How To Install GTA V On Xbox 360 Without Hurting Performance

Thanks For Stopping By