Friday, November 16, 2012

Have You Answered The Call?

Gameplay - 9/10
Storyline - 10/10
Graphics - 10/10
Game Score : 29/30

Within 24 hours of going on sale, the game grossed $500 million, beating 2011's Modern Warfare 3 to become the biggest entertainment launch of all time. 500 Million In twenty four hours. I know I shouldn't be surprised but the damn game sold worldwide and made five hundred million in its first twenty four hours of existence; that's insane. In these coming weeks many women will lose access to their boyfriends and a few boyfriends will lost access to their girlfriend (didn't forget about you gamer girls out there). So one and all lets take a look at the newest addition to the Call Of Duty family.

Call of Duty: Black Ops II is a first-person shooter video game, developed by Treyarch and published by Activision (Square Enix for Japan). Black Ops II is the ninth game in the Call of Duty franchise of video games and a sequel to the 2010 game Call of Duty: Black Ops. Black Ops II is the first game in the Call of Duty franchise to feature future warfare technology and the first to present branching story-lines driven by player choice. It also offers a 3D display option. A corresponding game, Call of Duty: Black Ops: Declassified, will be released simultaneously on the PlayStation Vita. The single-player campaign features two connected story-lines, with one set in the 1970s through 1980s and the other in 2025. 

Whats Good:
Every damn thing. The weapon choices, the story-line, the zombies mode, the multi-player, the stellar game graphics, the list goes on and on. I don't even really have to really write much for this review cause the game overall is solid and well rounded and they managed to not fall into the typical trend that they regurgitate the same game every year. This is truly an entity onto its own and I am glad to see Treyarch take the time to expand more on the single player aspect of the game and not just the multi-player portion. The story-line of Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 has several endings, depending on which conditions the player fulfills over the course of the game. How freaking awesome is that??

Whats Bad:
One word; Strike Force missions. Ok so maybe that was three words but honestly this is the only thing I have a problem with in the game. The success or failure of these missions can have ramifications for the wider campaign story-line. Choosing one of the missions locks out the others unless the player begins a fresh campaign. Strike Force missions allow the player to control a number of different war assets, such as unmanned aerial vehicles, jet fighters and robots. If the player dies in a Strike Force mission, the campaign continues recording that loss, as opposed to letting the player load a previously saved checkpoint. The player's progress in the Strike Force missions may go on to change even the plans of the story's antagonist, Raul Menendez. Genius idea but small problem; whenever you place computer AI in a game to aid the player 8/10 times the AI will fail the player. This trend proves ever true as most times playing these missions I had to do majority of the work to ensure I passed and just could not have a lot of faith in the AI to do as told.

What Should Have Been Added:
Every year its the one thing that is missing from the game; granted I know why its not in the game I still want it goddammit. LAN play; yes I know the game always gets pirated and that's primarily the reason why they took it out and made the game with dedicated servers but it would make so much of a worthwhile addition to the game.

Final Thoughts:
The game is good, fan of the series or not its a well rounded experience that anyone who plays FPS games can enjoy. Feel free to check out our single-player walk-through and for posterity I will post a bit of multi-player action from a fellow friend you-tuber of mine.

Single-Player Experience

Multi-Player Experience

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