Monday, July 9, 2012

There Can Only Be One...

Hey y'all welcome to your weekly Monday blog here on Zalgo Cometh. Almost didn't have a blog today since my PC decided to die on me on Sunday. Thankfully through the help of a job I was able to buy the replacement parts needed and here I type before you; though technically my PC still not working properly so im still testing it to make sure all systems are go. Well its that time of the year again when avid video gamers gather at the fighting game tournament of the year to test their mettle. That's right we are talking about EVO; the Evolution Championship Series is an annual video game tournament that focuses exclusively on fighting games. In fighting game communities it is commonly referred to as "Evo", and is currently the premier video game tournament for fighting games in the United States. 

Evo 2012 took place July 6 to July 8th, 2012, at Caesars Palace, Paradise, Nevada. On January 3rd, Joey Cuellar announced that Evo 2012 would have 6 main tournament games, Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition (Version 2012), Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Mortal Kombat, Soulcalibur V, The King of Fighters XIII and Street Fighter X Tekken. Coupled with that their were various panel discussions from prominent members of the fighting game such as Ultradavid and James Chen, Maximillian from the Assist Me Series, etc. As an added bonus to the festivities a part of the proceeds goes to maintain a scholarship fun for avid gamers who excel at learning to further their education. Most of the hype for the weekend most note-worthily came from the respective grand finals for the games; these can be viewed here:

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition

Mortal Kombat 9

Street Fighter X Tekken

King Of Fighters 13

Virtua Fighter 5

Soul Caliber 5

Congratulations to all the first place finishers and all the top eight qualifying participants because I am sure it was a hard fought and grueling uphill battle for them all to overcome the odds and many other participants that entered this years EVO. For a further break down of what took place on the weekend of EVO feel free to check out the stream archive for coverage.

Thanks For Stopping By