Today, I bring for your viewing pleasure a comedy, so that you can comment about it and share your thoughts on it after watching it here on my blog. We have been having issues with the host site and how they convert the movies to be streamed, so I recommend you download the movie instead of streaming it, so as to avoid any problems with video and audio syncing up. You can still try streaming it however if downloading is too tedious for you as you may have no problems streaming it. Also, whenever we have a Monday Night At The Movies. I hope this idea generates some good feedback and you share it with your friends so the blog can grow. Remember to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and please remember to comment/interact with the blog; because it lets us know you care....^_^
If the video is still being converted feel free to just download the movie and enjoy it. Just remember to come back and comment on the blog your thoughts on the movie.
i even got this shit on VHS LMAO!!!
poll on Which Genre Of Music Do You Prefer? ended with 1 vote for Rap, Pop, And Rock