Thursday, June 9, 2011

Gamers Paradise

Another year in the books E3 has graced us with its ever bountiful presence and grandeur. On todays random Wednesday blog we will look at what major releases this years E3 brought us. The Electronic Entertainment Expo, commonly known as E3, is an annual trade show for the computer and video games industry presented by the Entertainment Software Association (ESA). It is used by many video game developers to show off their upcoming games and game-related hardware. E3 is widely considered to be the ultimate expo in the video game industry and major video game critics routinely document the event and sometimes even provide a series of E3 awards. Video game companies generally spend more on their presentations for E3 than any other convention. E3 is commonly held in late May or early June of each year at the Los Angeles Convention Center (LACC) in Los Angeles. Many websites and blogs have a history of providing extensive coverage of E3 with live webcasts, game previews, game media and blog entries covering popular press events.

Well lets break it down with the big boys and their press conferences; ill try not to get into too much detail as most the information and videos are posted on our Facebook page at Also if you were following us on twitter at!/The_Real_The_R you would have had the up-to-date tweet coverage of Day 1 and 2 of E3.

Microsoft (Xbox 360) - Microsoft opened with awesome game-play footage of Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 3 and continued on to pay a lot of attention to their Kinect franchise. Improving on their main fault from last year's E3 of not delivering a large number of launch titles for the Kinect. Sadly they mostly only revealed games that catered to the casual gamer with only Mass Effect 3 and Ghost Recon Future Soldier being the only two major games really geared towards hard core gamers. The other big reveal for XBOX was the new and improved XBOX Live service that incorporates Music, Videos, Internet and Gaming all controlled by Kinect. As well as the remastered release of Halo : Combat evolved and announcing the newest addition to the Halo saga Halo 4. For full video coverage you can click here.

Sony (PS3 & PSVITA) - Sony delivered a graphically intensive presentation and was introduced with some really awesome dub-step music. The major issue that everyone was on edge about was finally addressed in a public forum of sorts; mainly the network breach of PSN and its lengthy time offline for over a month. A very humble and seemingly heartfelt apology was offered by President and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment Jack Tretton. Once that was done the big software mentions of their presentation were Uncharted 3 : Drakes Deception, Resistance 3 and inFamous 2. Sony in an effort to help bring the vision of 3D gaming to the average gamer are planning to release a bundle offer of a 24 inch 3D TV bundled with Resistance 3, a 6 foot HDMI cable, and a 3D glasses all for the low price of $499 USD. Sony topped it all off by going in-depth into their newest addition to the Sony family the Playstation Vita (PSVITA) displaying some of the games and features that would be available and finally giving us a price for the handheld set at $249.99. For full video coverage you can click here.

Nintendo (Nintendo 3DS & Wii U) - Nintendo opened with a beautiful full symphony orchestra rendition of classic and new Zelda music in celebration of Zelda's 25th anniversary. Nintendo showcased various titles for their newly launched 3DS but the highlight of those games was undoubtedly Kid Icarus : Uprising and its inclusion of augmented reality cards to be used for multi-player battle.  The crown jewel of Nintendo's press conference was undoubtedly the announcement of their upcoming console the Nintendo Wii U. They delivered some answers to many questions that people had been wondering such as its name and design but ended up leaving us with so many more. Even though there weren't many confirmed launch titles available they displayed many demo's of what the system was capable of and the games that would be potentially coming to the console in the future hopefully as launch titles. For full video coverage you can click here.

From a hardcore gamers perspective I would undoubtedly say Sony gave the best press conference of the three gaming giants. They delivered a lot in the software area with a wide variety of games and also delivered in the hardware area as well with the PSVITA. Even though they were seemingly the underdog in it all because of the Playstation Network fiasco they handled it with humility and sincerity. They know gamers look forward to E3 for all new games to look forward to and they gave us not only that but a new system with concrete launch titles to look forward to. Now all that is left to do is wait and save; lots and lots of saving...


June 9, 2011 at 8:02 PM

yup playstation won for me! they really selled the vita and the 24 3d bundle. the games everything rocked even the dub music as you mention lol which i've been searching for since i herd it!
Nintendo could of stole it with the Wii U controller, but it at the moment they could only say the possibilities and what it means for future games.
Xbox jus had me laughing at points of there conference because if you look well you can see that the person not really controlling the player they just copying the movements, and the kids for the disney section looooooool but hey they catering to all and thats their end goal.
Kevin Butler for the win long live Play Station :)

June 9, 2011 at 10:40 PM

I Sony biased still so it's not a good idea for me to vote. But nice reviews R.

June 9, 2011 at 11:34 PM

arent we all Khat arent we all. lol.

June 10, 2011 at 7:59 PM

I sooooooooooo want a Vita damn its hot...

June 10, 2011 at 8:24 PM

I voted for id

June 10, 2011 at 8:52 PM

poll on Who Do You Think Had The Best E3 Press Conference? ended with 5 votes for Sony and 1 vote for Microsoft.

June 12, 2011 at 11:54 PM

[+=..] And that's all I have to say...about that.

June 14, 2011 at 3:03 AM

lol cnt beat the classics

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