Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentines Day In All It's Glory

Well Its right around the corner yet again; Valentine's day!!! A day specifically tailored for like, lust and love. Many people around the world celebrate this day and it is more or less recognized globally as a day for confessions and expressions of love for single people and couples alike. As with all things in life you have people for and against Valentines day however; no matter how valid or lame your reasoning might be there is one thing that should always remain constant and that is your willingness to express your love. Keep in mind however that your love may not be reciprocated in the way you expect or at at all.

Men the duty falls on our broad shoulders and on a portion of ladies as well to find the perfect gift to express your innermost feelings to that special someone. Single people should try to find a common ground when buying a gift that gives the impression of intimacy yet doesn't overstep the boundary of being too intimate. Couples on the other hand should do their best to make there significant other feel extra special even more so than they usually do; especially highlighting memories shared and times gone by. The traditional gift for valentines day is typically chocolate and roses but this should not be the entirety of your gift one should take care to include something personal and significant to set your gift aside form all others that may come along. Don't get me wrong chocolate and flowers are always well and nice and appreciated; especially by the ladies but you want to leave a long lasting impression that will hopefully linger till next Valentines day.

Here a few tips for those last minute people out there:



3. Write a Poem or an expression of love that suits your personality

4. Share and engage in each others interests to deepen the personal bond between you both. eg. gaming, cooking

5. Utilize your own personal talents to make an extra special gift for your Valentine. eg. drawing a portrait or cooking a special meal.

Love is a precious gift that is freely shared and given so be sure to appreciate the day and all it is cracked up to be.....


February 13, 2011 at 9:05 PM

Happy for all you beautiful couples out there that will be celebrating Valentines day. I am sorry to say that my baby wont make it for valentines day :(

February 13, 2011 at 9:09 PM

Love the valentine outfit. perfect to wear for the perfect significant other in the night n day.
What is up with that video? that is not typical men's reaction for the day.

So Mr.R what are you getting your significant other for Valentine's Day?

February 13, 2011 at 9:14 PM

im gonna draw then video myself doing it while playing an oldie song in the background that about covers all my major and secondary talents thanx for the tips
i need one more tip tho
if there is more than one girl that is important can the gift be a duplicated one to save time?

February 13, 2011 at 9:16 PM

well lots of love and joy from this gamehead boy. ideally a nice weekend getaway to a all inclusive hotel that we end up spending most the day indoors and only come out at night for food and moonlit strolls on the beach.....>^_^

February 13, 2011 at 9:18 PM

NO Jov!!!! Never Double Gift Or re-gift gifts especially on Valentine's Day. that breaks the rule of it being personal to the individual. can maybe use back the same idea of sorts but has to be personal to the specific individual

February 13, 2011 at 9:30 PM

Same idea not to get confused as to who get what I say...heheh

Great points The-R...personally I think the day is a bit too commercialized but I do agree with you that you should go all out for your loved one. At the end of the day, its not the gift but the love that really matters still...UNCONDITIONAL LOVE mi seh straight!!
Ladies, don't be upset over a mediocre gift or none if he has no funds...Whats in his heart and how he treats you is better than diamonds and gold.

Happy Valentine's to all who are celebrating :)


February 13, 2011 at 9:32 PM

true. some good points indeed FJG. the thought counts more than the money he/she has to buy a gift. hence why even more important to make something and give it a personal touch to mean even a great deal more.

February 13, 2011 at 10:27 PM

The- R, that video did just messed up, but those were some great tips, hope you guys have a Happy Valentines Day.

February 14, 2011 at 8:30 PM

well the poll has ended. and 7 votes for valentines day and 3 votes against it.

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