Friday, March 4, 2011

Things That Go Bump In The Night

5 comments click here
Gameplay - 8/10
Storyline - 10/10
Graphics - 9/10
Game Score : 27/30

Growing up as a gamer; or even just as a child in general can have its ups and downs. None more notorious than your mother telling you its time for bed or that you can't stay up late to watch late night movies. Undoubtedly we all have one or two memories of shows or experiences past and gone that we were deprived of because of mommy dearest. You can add this awesome game to the list of such things because it is so filled with everything you were deprived of as a child even now in your adult years your mommy probably still wont let you enjoy this moment.

Isaac Clarke
See what i mean... That being said  Dead Space 2 is a survival horror third-person shooter video game developed by Visceral Games and published by Electronic Arts for PlayStation 3Xbox 360 and Microsoft WindowsThe player controls Isaac Clarke from a third-person point of view, looking over the character's right shoulder. Isaac is tormented by a supposed dementia caused by an unknown alien entity, which can kill him if it is not destroyed. Throughout the game you fight to hang on to your last bits of sanity to try and make it out of this nightmare in one piece. As the title states this is the sequel to Dead Space so for the full gaming experience I would suggest you pick up the original first and play through both accordingly. Also worthwhile mentioning is the fact that unlike its predecessor Dead Space 2 has a multi-player aspect to it that is definitely an edifying experience as you get the chance to also play as the game's bad guy characters (Necromorphs) among other effects.

Personally I am a bit of a fan for horror movies and games on a whole ever since I was a kid and denied such wonderful movie experiences such as: Children of The Corn, Nightmare On Elm Street and Candyman not to mention the Resident Evil game series. So I must say that seeing games like this excel brings joy to my meager existence and even more so spreading that joy to others for them to share in the experience. Without further ado i bring to you a small tidbit of the awesomeness that Dead Space 2 delivers...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Apple Does It Again And No I Don't Mean The One You Eat...

9 comments click here
Slim Isn't It??
Well today there was much breath holding and anticipation all throughout the 'tech-world'. Apple held a press conference to reveal and talk about the newest addition to the Apple family the iPad 2. Now before I get into my review let me just say that i am by no means an Apple fan but i do understand and appreciate their impact and relevance in the world of technology as it relates to helping spread it to a wide variety of different people.

With that being said the iPad 2 continues where it's predecessor left off brining new innovation and versatility to the tablet computer market. Apple prides themself on the caliber of merchandise, the ease of use that their company offer with their products and the stylish design and appearance of their products. Subsequently over the years they have truly proven themselves to be pioneers of their industry in this light. Well with that being said let us get into the nitty gritty of this new born Apple baby the iPad 2.

Major Changes Made 

  1. 1/3 smaller size than the original iPad 
  2. Brand new dual core A5 processor built from the ground up with new architecture
  3. HDMI out connector
  4. The ability to charge and use the iPad at the same time
  5. Front and rear mounted cameras
Those are just the really important tech stuff; take a look at this:

No doubt after seeing that you can't help but be impressed; either from the sheer ease of use to the many facets of life that it has a role in to the newly tech savvy or the veteran techies out there.(Shout outs to my fellow techie Dwayne 'Ajax' Samuels for hosting the video) This is the core mission of Apple and all there gadgets; ease of use and versatility. This they accomplish exceptionally well. In my humble opinion there is space for Apple in the hearts of entry level tech users and hardcore techies of sorts such as myself it just leaves a question of uses and preferences at the end of the day. Notwithstanding that there will always be people who follow the trend and just buy these products because they are so financially inclined. I just hope i don't live to see the day that Apple releases this to the world...

Monday, February 28, 2011

Shooting Shit Never Seemed So Cool

1 comments click here
Gameplay - 9.5/10
Storyline - 9/10
Graphics - 9.5/10
Game Score : 28/30

Well in a time where we find first person shooter (FPS) games leaning towards being military, boy-scout goody two shoes based; its refreshing to see a gritty, grimy, gratuitously based FPS form the lovely people over at People Can Fly and Epic GamesBulletstorm takes place in the 26th century, where the Confederation of Planets are protected by a secret black-ops army called Dead Echo. The story follows space pirate Grayson Hunt, voiced by Steve Blum, and his cyborg partner Ishi Sato, who were both dishonorably discharged from Dead Echo after they were betrayed by their commanding officer, General Sarrano. Ten years later, after a spontaneous and liquor-induced attempt to take revenge on the General and his forces, Hunt's and Sato's ship crash-landed on the planet Stygia, a former resort planet now overrun with meat-eating plants, feral mutant tribes, criminals, and Godzilla-sized monsters.

Grayson Hunt Model

The main character Grayson Hunt is really likable as a protagonist and many times you may find yourself chuckling at his idle banter with Ishi and solo dialogue. You can easily connect to his point of view and feelings throughout the game as the story unfolds and you  uncover bit by bit his past and views on life. Even though he typically does things in a manner not conducive of your typical game hero you see that at its core he does it for the right reason and this is what makes him likable as a main character. Well that and the fact that he looks like Hugh Jackman that starred as Wolverine in the X-Men movies; but hey you be the judge for yourself.

Bulletstorm is truly a breath of well anticipated foul mouthing bad-assery that is sure to please any hardcore gamer to the maximum level. This game definitely deserves its 18+ rating with all the explicitly colorful language that is present in the vast gaming universe. This game give the player a wide collage of 'skill-shot kills' to explore brining a whole new dimension to the term pick your poison. From head-shots to crotch shots, to busting a cap in someone's ass Bulletstorm truly lets you play out your most depraved killing fantasies. This game is without a doubt a must own game for gamers who like to shoot everything that moves. With that being said i'm going to get back to randomly shooting the shit out of everything in breathtaking Unreal Engine graphics. So ill see you next time....on a side note when you use the leash weapon yell out "COME HERE" or "GET OVER HERE" for added fun.

Thanks For Stopping By
